
British properties/Northvan tomorrow

Aidan posted,

hey does anyone wanna sesh BP's or northvan
tomorrow, maybe meet at like 10?

Aidan- 778-995-9706

2010 April 3 5:19 PM

Shane from near skyline replied,

I would be down for some skyline laps and then possibly the bp's after, if it's nice out?!

2010 April 3 9:07 PM

raffle replied,

yeah its super heat right now, especially when people arent at the skill level for spots like that yet. bps is residential meaning LOTS of cars, idiot drivers pedestrians and the like. Most people there I dont think care all that much when your in and out quickly, but if your falling all over the place and losing your board and just creating a hazard then someone will get pissed. Or if you scream in residents faces and just act like an overall jackass someone will call the cops

2010 April 5 12:57 AM

raffle replied,

AIDAN PAY YOUR FUCKING DEBTS!!! you got a super good deal on your suit and only paid half of the asking price, because you were trusted to pay the rest but you cant honour that? thats fucking low dude. What pisses me off even more about this is you get them for 30 only pay 15 and turn around and try to sell them for almost 100. You wont even answer ryans countless texts and calls about the money you owe him, your gonna be the new t-scam in a bit here buddy. What about the 300 dollars your grandpa gave you for a new deck? think you could have paid the measly 15 DOLLARS you owe him with that, people get the shit beaten out of them for this kinda bull shit all the time. Ryan, even after you owed him money felt bad for you when your board got stolen and sold you his mint 09 avenger for dirt cheap but you turn right around and try to get rid of it when a better board turns up on here. Dont even try to defend your self on this one dude, pay ryan the fucking money you owe him!!!! you seem to have endless amounts because you want to buy every thing that ever comes up on here. People like you piss me the fuck off to no end

2010 April 5 2:13 AM