
retro freerides vs stimulus

ashkan posted,

i want to get a new set of wheels for freeriding and im wondering wat wheels have a smoother slide and last longer

2010 April 6 11:00 PM

off Axis replied,

retro makes a thane that last longer and wears evenly very well. picking the right duro is important for how well they slide for you. Stimulus is one wheel of the Otang family and i definatly wouldnt suggest them for freeriding. try some yellow otangs out, you will love them but burn them in a month easily.

2010 April 6 11:08 PM

Misha replied,

from my experience the classic freerides beat the shit
out of the otangs

2010 April 6 11:08 PM

raffle replied,

dont get yellow otangs they feel like shit and really unpridectibale and over priced, get the retros

2010 April 7 2:43 PM