
STOLEN BOARD - cash reward

ava posted,

i don't know if you guys can help at all but i figured it was worth a shot

my boyfriend got his longboard stolen just off granville street around 2am april 30th.

its a rayne longboard with a ghost train graphic (sorry i don't know what its called) with green wheels, bear trucks and part of the tail is broken.

if any one sees this board, or gets ahold of it please let me know, we'd really like it back.
there is a cash reward if it is found and returned.
you can call or text me at 604 345 0848 or email

2010 May 1 12:37 PM

D-jay replied,

sorry to hear about your board being
stolen, i will keep a keen eye out 4 it

2010 May 1 12:51 PM

ava replied,

ugh. sorry for the false alarm.
apparently he was alot drunker than he remembers and at some point in the night his buddy ended up with his board, he just called to let us know he has it.
is there any way to delete this thread?

2010 May 1 1:48 PM

Dusty replied,

thats gay as fuck. atleast we have guts to speak up. now what do you want to know? where do cherries come from? shit fountain

2010 May 2 8:14 PM