
pulling back slide


any tips on how i can pull back my heel side
stand up?

p.s. didnt mean to post blankman

2010 May 4 6:39 PM


before you kick it out, compress a lot
by bending your knees. then shoot up as
if your going to jump but a slower
motion so you just get a bit of weight
off your board. keep your shoulders like
they are before you go into it (almost
straight down the hill) but just turn ur
hips so that your board, feet and hips
get out sideways, then suck your legs
back in under you while straightening
your board again so the wheels stop
sliding.. by shooting up and de-
weighting makes it easier to slide and
when your coming back down after your
slide and compressing again, it helps to
recover and get ur balance low to
control everyting..

thats what works for me.

2010 May 4 7:02 PM