
Gnar DitchSlap stories

Nicholas posted,

Who else has some gnar stories from ditchslap to tell? It seemed to me just being there for ditchslap made every aspect skating or not have some sort of gnar factor.

At Dave's party I got bored watching all the dudes trying to hook up with the local hoes so I went for a skate around the block. When I came back and there was 2-3 cop cars out front and cops walking around, I didn't want any business with them so I kept skating by and took a few random (drunken) turns around a few blocks figuring out what to do. So some random dude on a bike asks if I was at the party and about the cops and right as I was about to explain I see the Loco and Madrid van leaving. So I start skating after them but they were to far out of reach. So now I'm stuck in ABQ @ 3 in the morning, wasted, alone (mind you, I'm a skinny white kid) and totally lost. As I start skating around looking for someplace to use a phone, a cop rolls up on me and shines their spot on me and PA's me to stop. They start questioning me asking if I was at the party and where I'm going and if I was drinking. I said no I'm going home (drunken lie), then they basically told me they know I was there, they know I was drunk, and if they see me in the area they would arrest me. So fuck, it was too sketch to go back to daves because I would have had to skate around a bit before I would find his house again in my drunken stupor, I started to head back in his direction but I saw 2 cops in the process so I decided just to somehow hail a cab where I was at. When all was said and done I ate shit a few times (damn abq and its sidewalks that are hard to navigate when you're drunk) and I made it back to Studio 6 just after 4:30 AM.

Got some sort of food illness from Taco Cabana (I think), threw up, then left for the pool hall, on the way there I ate shit hit a crack in an intersection. I already felt like shit a eating shit made me feel worse so I decided to chill back at the hotel. As soon as I turn around I started vomiting all over in front of that fancy seafood place by Studio 6, hah, it was the most I puked in my life. Cars were honking and shit, funny stuff.

Oh yeah, skating stories..

I slid on my hand (no gloves) down the side of harper after drifting into a ladder on harper, I got some nasty deep wounds on my hand that'll def be a scar.

At Morris I pumped through some water that I though was just a stain on the ditch and had a SLAP on the opposing wall, that one rattled the shit outta me.

thats alll I got folks...

2010 May 8 5:21 PM

Mercado replied,

Anything involving Cody "Albayeah" Raver. GNAR UP!

2010 May 8 6:18 PM


and you still posted aftewards? i call bullshit on that story!

2010 May 8 7:49 PM