
"NEW" longboarder in parksville?

Micheal posted,

hey, I've actually had my longboard for >3 years, but it just occured to me that I only use it for transportation now. I really enjoy myself but I also want to learn to slide etc. (really, I only go from "A" to "B") I have no idea how/what to do, anyone out there that could help mentor me? I'm a quick learner.

2010 May 11 10:00 PM

lee darroch replied,

hey man, col stuff, good to here you dont want to be a cruiser, ive been longboarding for 4 years, best boarder in school because i was taught by the best, most of the switchback team. i go to bss and im in grade 12. if you want help give me a shout.

cell: 1250 927 1965

2010 May 12 9:34 PM