
any one skated up in anmore?

dan posted,

any one skated any areas in anmore? i saw some
sick stuff on google maps like the street off
anmore creek way, its a about 1.5km long
judging by my estament on google... if any ones
skated or seen/herd of it plz fill me in!

2010 May 11 10:21 PM

The HUB replied,

dude, just go skate it and film it and show us...i seen it on google maps too...lots of fun spots out that way. skate hard!

2010 May 12 8:51 PM

joroe replied,

that looks like some sick shit but how the hell do you get out there from van???

2010 May 15 11:15 PM

Raffle replied,

listen to wolf, you dont want to go to anmore the spots all suck and arent even steep stick to other stuff

2010 May 16 4:02 PM


dan shut the fuck up no one wants to heat out this place just stop fucking talking about it

2010 May 16 4:12 PM


dan, people have been skating that area for years why you think they dont talk about it? thats the same area kevin reimer got serioulsy, seriously hurt a while back. just dont go rambing on and naming roads up there some noob might try to skate and get even more fucked up and wreck it for us. The spots are privately owned roads and people are not stoked and will call the cops. So just stop please

2010 May 16 5:49 PM