
Looking for something to do tonight?

Anne posted,

Hey Coast Longboarders! Tonight, this Saturday the 29th of May there re a couple bands playing what was formerly The Cobalt. There's also an art show as well. The event is called Terms and Conditions and it's showcasing local talent within the post office. So if you're not planning to go out racing this weekend and yøu're looking for something to do tonight come out and support a good cause. Tickets are 10 bucks and all proceeds go towards future shows. Doors open at 7pm, first band at 915, hope to see you there.

2010 May 29 3:01 PM

Dub replied,

FUCK YOU!!! You ruined the Cobalt! Why not just go
back to spinning your top 40's hits for douchebag
hipsters cuz any self respecting coastie wouldnt be
caught dead in "the fauxbalt"

2010 May 29 5:21 PM