
DH race vs Evo


what's your opinion???
DH Race or the Evo.

2010 June 22 1:35 AM

sloater replied,

never ridden a dh, but evos are pretty goddamn rad

2010 June 22 9:20 AM

kristian replied,

neither. unless all your doing is going in
a straight line verry fast

2010 June 22 11:57 AM

mph replied,

ive got an evo and ive ridden a DH.
the Dh just doesnt give you as much beefiness as the
evo. I can slide my evo easy as pie and bomb somethin

2010 June 23 8:51 PM

Jarvis replied,

Well he said it rules all. That's pretty straightforeward.

2010 June 28 2:47 AM

Aloysius replied,

Dont hate on the DHR, you fucking charlatans.

It's a fine board and it's up to you to make it work. The only ones who should be concerned with podium rankings should be the board maker. It's a neat thing to say, but that's it.

Ride a freakin kebbek

2010 June 30 8:18 PM