
Paying our Respects 2 our Sweetheart 8-11pm

strike posted,

"roommates will be opening the doors to there house for people to bring by flower cards pic's ect.. To be given to our Sweethearts family,

She was truly an individual and I can safely say there will never be anyone else like her, She was an inspiration. I think it is very important to let her family know how she touched our lives. Please try to contribute. I can’t even begin to imagine what they must be going through. Lets take this opportunity to come together and celebrate the life of an amazing girl and true friend."

Thank You

"Dominique Vukorep"

hey everyone if you want the address for tonight please phone a friend for the info. thank you. - strike

2010 July 10 7:21 PM

Max nettles Kaye replied,

Some one PLEZZZZ put a flower or some thing
for me i'm camping my gril phoned me and told
me if some on can that be great

2010 July 10 9:46 PM

off Axis replied,

i missed out tonight on the visit as i was with Rocky at 3rd beach for his birthday party...sorry not many showed up to wish him a happy bday, its a hard time for all of us. Please keep us updated on a funeral date! thanx. much love!

2010 July 11 3:31 AM