
2010 Seismic World Cup

TimeShip Headquarters posted,

This weekend I'll be racing in the Rocky Mts. on an amazing hill against some of the most hardcore slalom racers on the planet! My goal is to do all 4 events and to keep pace with fellow TSR Team rider Lynn Kramer. Easier said than done! My last few practice sessions don't come close to the crazy hard courses that those COSS guys set......s#@!.

I need to get in some more offset / criddle practice. At least there will be a 4 man DH with haybales for once!

My fellow TimeShip Racers are asking me if there will actually be any International representation at this World Cup, but all I can think about is that I hope Olson, Hackett or Chaput don't show up.

The Masters class is already stacked with past Champions and legends, and all I have are some sweet slide gloves for when I fall, which happens with some frequency. ColoRADo is always alot of fun and I plan to hit Trinidad's skate park along the way.

Will I see anybody I know?

2010 July 12 9:53 PM


Not likely, slalom is old and free riding is whats new and progressive. Try running the cones with switch slides, reverts and early grabs. For time.

2010 July 12 10:52 PM