
STOLEN in Matsqui/abbotsford/aldergrove/wack

Katie posted,

Some Jerk Stole my 5 year old groms board!!!!
you cant do that-He's gonna be my
superstar!!!! While playing in the park,
someone jacked it and im pissed!!! Its most
likely in the Matsqui/chilliwack/abbotsford
area and it most likely has been for a while
because as most five year olds would, he
neglected to say something for a little too

Its a Custom Sector 9 'nine star' board
(approx 8 inch width, drop through mounting)
one of a kind graphic (gunmetal grey with a
checkered flag graphic) Gullwing mission
trucks and Red Venom Wheels!

Punch the motherf'r and take it back!!! he
just stole candy from my baby!!!!!!!!!

2010 August 3 11:49 PM

Katie replied,

hopefully im not failing again at this
html thing. help me if I am!

2010 August 4 12:15 AM

Riha replied,

Thats Fucked Katie, I no what baord your talking about
. Victor made that thing... BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF THE

2010 August 4 3:15 AM

heidi... replied,

I am on Aunt duty tomorrow as this little guy's Dad is in the hospital.
Taking him and his bro to the seawall cruise on their bikes and it guts me to know that he is gonna look at every board longingly.

Soooooo....keep your eyes peeled for this board as we wanna get it back to him.

I don't have money so a reward is outta my limits. But if ya get it into my possession I will do a rad photo sesh for ya!


2010 August 7 1:03 AM