
save longboarding in whiterock

nic posted,

So the by law officers in white rock are
actually enforcing there anti longboard ways,
they have been confiscating kids boards for
the past few weeks.

Well we're sick of if, and offering a
peaceful protest

A Peaceful March and Protest to have
Longboarding legalized in White Rock and

You don't have to be a longboarder to
participate. You need to support it as a
recreational activity for a beach community.
Engaging youth, and promoting a healthy

-The more people we amass for the march, the
more serious we'll be taken. Please invite
everyone, longboarder or not. This law has no
merit, and is totally arbitrary, and
repressive. Anyone who supports having a fair
city, and a fun activity around should
support us.

-Participants are to meet at Bakerview park
at approximately 11:30 AM on Wednesday August
25. The march will begin at 12:00 noon.
The Route as of Right Now:
Bakerview park 18th to 152nd/Johnston
Down Johnston/152nd to 5 corners.
Carry on Left down Pacific until Fir Street.
Take Fir street to the Doors of City
Hall/Buena Vista
Active PEACEFUL Protesting. (Chanting,
Speeches, Longboarding related activities.)

-Feel Free to Longboard (in a sensible
manner, and with the group), March, Bike, do
whatever you prefer.

-Longboarding has been banned via bylaws in
White Rock for quite a while, it hasn't been
until recently that the bylaw officers have
started to interfere with the longboarding
community that a beautiful area such as the
lower mainland would have.

-Have something Special you can bring to this
event? Are you a company or individual that
can sponsor us in any way? Message Kyle Grant
(Event Creator).

Music, Participation, etc)

2010 August 20 5:41 AM