
Sounds like hitchhiking

SoundslikeJersey posted,

For all at Eric's house last night: Yes, you CAN make it from Courtenay to Nanaimo ferry in 1 hour. Yes, I did make it on time for orientation. Lastly, No I didn't need the traveling present from Striker. Its Still intact and smelling delicious. If you find yourself in Downtown Van, come find me.

that kid, from Jersey, I'm sorry, I forgot your name....(Josh)

2010 August 24 12:51 AM

Eric replied,

Hitchiking stories?
I hitchiked from Whistler to Salt Spring Island, hung out with friends, took the 7am ferry outta the to Mt-Wash outlaw and hitchiked from horseshoe bay to Wistler under the moonlight skating 13km on highway 99. Not many cars heading that way out of the ferry. Got home, saved enough money leaving the truck home to buy myself a new set of smokies.

2010 August 24 1:24 AM

fakpan replied,

yeah josh! way to go i guess you really did want it bad enough! have fun in film school dude!

2010 August 24 10:20 AM