
Trade Leathers!!!

Craig posted,

I have a pair of small red white and blue leathers to trade for
a medium pair. I am 6'1" and like a 32. They can be beat up
because mine has some wear.

2010 September 6 7:18 PM

rico replied,

please see my intro message. the leathers I have
were made for racing sport bikes. practically brand
new and weren't even worn for a whole season. i
still have the knee pucks.

i am about 6 feet tall and the leathers were size 32
for me back then. i am huskier now. i am not even
looking to get anything more than a half of what i
paid for them. just want them to go to a good

the following link shows a similar suit with black,
red, and white but the design is older and more flex
panels. let me know if you are interested.

2010 September 6 9:50 PM