

Hippie Smell posted,

What's the freeman view on household recycling? Is recycling my paper/plastic/cardboard/cans a complete waste of time?????

2010 September 18 2:11 PM

peter replied,

I know someone named hippie smell. Are u that
person ?

2010 September 18 6:14 PM

Hippie Smell replied,

Sucks that our tax money goes towards recycling programs. It appears to be more economical to manufacture plastics etc. from raw materials. After years of dedication to sorting my household waste, I've decided to send it all to the landfill until the city pays me to recycle. Sorry environment, you lose again!

2010 September 19 1:35 PM

PJ replied,

The only real benefit of recycling is it makes ya feel good. Taking a huge shit feels good, too.

2010 September 19 3:04 PM

Green Like Limes replied,

fuck recycling

its all bout the reducing and reusing

2010 September 19 3:09 PM

blankman replied,

There’s lots of things that are good about recycling, i.e. preventing landfills from filling, burning it may not the answer but reusing it is, lots of things in everyday life are made from recyclables....flooring, clothing, plastics products...more beer cans. Its up to you as the consumer also to choose products that are made from recyclables.

To reuse is defiantly better, buying things like glass, metal are far better than plastics,

and at least you can scrounge a pack of smokes or six pack when your bring back cans n bottles....

2010 September 21 4:39 PM


if it ends up in a landfill its a hell
of a lot better then if it ends up in
the ocean. I seriously hope you were
being sarcastic wes, cause if not I just
all respect for you. If it werent for
the oceans there would be no life, we
need to keep them clean.

2010 September 21 9:24 PM

Eric el frenchie replied,

I beacme vegan couple months back and I just realized then how much crap I was buying before. Now I eat fruits, veggies, cereal, grains and legumes and I throw a lot less pacaging shit away. But I don't mind if people do. I am not a big fan of recycling, I bought a garbage bin with two backs in it to force me but a bunch of recyclable shit ends up going to the landfills. I know some stuff that would make people stop recycling but thise things are better not said. It took forever to get people to do it. Would take 1 or 2 reasons to give it up. Keep doing it and feel good about it. Makes you belive your doing the right thing and that alone is good food for your soul.

2010 September 22 4:41 AM