
Hey J-Bales!

Shazam posted,

Please, get the fuck outta Landyachtz, or at least don't
show your face at the front door. Haven't you realized
yet that nobody gives a shit about your dumb ass
You don't even answer the fucking phone or door, you
misinform people new to the sport over and over again,
and all you ever seem to is just sneer and talk shit.
Personally, if I ran Landy, I'd haul your sorry ass right
out the door, because if anyone walking in wanted to
get a first impression of a dope board company... You
do the math.
I personally know quite a few people who won't even
touch Landyachtz shit, just because you're all that
represents it to them. Nobody likes you, just leave.

Piece of shit

2010 September 27 6:25 AM


ruh roooh

2010 September 27 9:07 AM

gnark replied,

j primes a fuckin sexy beast,promote him

2010 September 29 11:51 PM

off Axis replied,

Yawn...too many losers on forums lately...grow some balls and post your name if you hate so for Jprime, hes a stand up dude only showing his stoke to people and if you got a bad impression from him beacuse you got mistreated or mislead, you probably deserved it or were askign for it. ALso, the dude is injured and down on his luck right now from what i know so lay the fuck off my fellow REDEYEZ BRO!

2010 September 30 1:04 AM

J-Prime replied,

Im gonna be profesional about this and just tell you to grow the fuck up instead of me taking the boots to you medium style. My job is to assist people with information on product they decide to buy to the best of my knowledge and i do that pretty fucking well.. my job isnt BABYSITTING FAN BOY FAGS WHO DECIDE TO HANG AROUND LANDYACTHZ INSTEAD OF GOING SKATING WITH THEIR FRIENDS LiKE NORMAL HUMAN BEINGS. now im rather fucked up from the perscrition meds i have from braking my arm so just know this. GROW THE FUCK UP and deal with your problems in person if you have an issue with someone.. this isnt fucking highschool

2010 September 30 1:20 AM

aida replied,

who shat in your corn flakes shazam?

if you're really worried about jordans work ethic and wanna talk to someone who knows what happens in the 2nds shop on a daily basis, come talk to me. posting some infantile message on coast isn't going to get you anywhere. it just shows that you have no credibility because you're obviously the one with the "dumb ass attitude," who seems incapable of doing anything but talking shit.
jordan doesn't 'misinform people new to the sport'. in fact, i've seen him educate tons of people, and when it comes down to it, his job is to provide product knowledge through his own opinions and preferences. you have no right to hate on him because for some reason you think you know better.

2010 September 30 3:22 AM