
WTB:slalom Board

Alex>J posted,

I know slalom is a none existing thing here but just
wondering if any one has any decks laying around for sale?

2010 October 13 11:29 PM

BlueB replied,

Hi Alex!

You are wrong - slalom is alive and growing! Or, rather, we are rebuilding it after a few years slug...
There is a group of new riders, mixed with some seasoned pros, that tries to run the cones every Saturday, weather permitting. Our normal time/place were 10:00am (to about 2pm) at Coquitlam City Center Park. This Saturday we might change the venue, but I'll keep you posted if you wish. Drop me an email to:
boris at blueb dot biz

Anyhow, if you showed up for one of our sessions, there will be many spare boards to ride, and you never know, we might hook you up with something. I know for sure there is at least one Bennett 5.0 front truck that you can buy for cheap.

Also, I've built a new shape slalom board, just recently. Check out the tread "Concker"

Short slalom video is in there.

More info, photos and vids in another tread: "Coquitlam Riders"

Ok, see you?

2010 October 14 12:44 AM