
feb- medical training for boarders

Danielle from vic posted,

So I was wondering if everyone was still interested in putting on the longboard specific first aid training course. Bricin thinks February is a good time.
some people said they had contacts at st johns. Just wondering who wants in on the organizing and if anyone has any firm ideas yet.
The idea so far is that training will include the general but also have specific in depth training for packing to go, treating concusions, and road rash/gashes.

2010 October 13 11:46 PM

Chevy replied,

that's a really good idea. keep me posted.
I'd be down for it. depending when in Feb

2010 October 14 12:35 AM


wait, what? i haven't heard anything about this,
but I'm up for it

2010 October 14 1:14 AM

Katie replied,

Im game! I think the thought was to have as many
people as possible certified, and then we'll continue on
from there looking to get a few people that can handle
it trauma training!!!

2010 October 14 11:55 AM

heidi... replied,

That was me who was there and said I have contacts. We have used various different first aid trainers at work. I am a little bit overloaded at work right now with a new crew coming in but it will be slowing down in a couple weeks and then I will contact them and get some prices and ideas of what they can offer.

2010 October 15 1:14 AM

heidi... replied,

Hey Mike! I will shoot you off an e-mail
probably in the next week or two. Work is
almost slowing down and as soon as it does
I will get on this :)

2010 October 19 10:17 PM

Noelle-CDP replied,

Thats a great idea. If your longboarding especially racing or bombing big hills things that are potentially dangerous you should know this stuff. I would be interested in learning.

2010 October 20 9:13 PM