
Acta, ooh shit

quin from vernon posted,

i know this really isnt the place to post this, but whatever, the more people who are aware of this is for the better.

basically Acta is the Anti-Counterfeiting trade agreement, an international law that could be passed in the next month or so.

it basically gives the govt power to look through your computer for files they believe to be stolen, without any kind of warrant or proof, also it willmean the internet becomes regulated, sights like youtube will die, as it disallows posting things that yuo dont own/created.


2010 October 21 12:04 AM


Fuck... 1984 wasn't supposed to be a god damn
instruction manual... Haven't you noticed that the
world's only become more messed up and
corporate in the last fifteen years? Whatever
happened to rights and freedom of speech?

You *do* know our friendly government censors
a LOT of information already? And human rights
are going down the shitter, because it's literally
against corporate "law" to be socially
responsible? Next up is the Internet...

^ WHATEVER, fuck everything and skate!!!
Cops can't catch you, if you OUTRUN THE

2010 October 21 12:29 AM