
Landyachtz Switch FS/FT

Josh posted,

Hey guys, gotta board im trying to sell. 2010 Landyachtz switch with black zombies and your choice of randal 180 42s or bear 852s. Decks in pretty good condition, few scratches and very small chips from speed bumps, walls, curbs, nothing that affects the ride. Im thinking maybe 140$ for everything, but Im open to whatever, and if you got some cool shit, trades. Also got a sector 9 deck im trying to dich, 20$?

2010 December 8 10:08 PM

TK replied,

hey man.. I would like some photos..
could send to my e-mail?? tdk-
also photos of the s9!..


2010 December 9 12:00 AM

Thomas replied,

whats the sector nine board
can you send me a pic of it

2011 February 22 6:13 PM