
NCDSA Contest Calendar is Back!

TimeShip Headquarters posted,

WWW.NCDSA.COM has returned to it's old familiar format including the Contest Calendar! It has always been the perfect place to see what events are coming up and catch up on ones that you may have missed.

This is where you can now sign up for the Buffalo Bill Downhill, the Ditch Pinch, and the Atomic Bomb. These three events will be combined as the TimeShip Southwest Series which will award a cash prize for the top finisher of all 3 combined.

TimeShip Racing and Pagan Productions will be updating information there as it becomes available so check in regularly if you plan to attend.

2011 February 3 11:56 PM

one eye replied,

facebook is for fags, NCDSA and Coast are the shit!

2011 February 4 11:52 AM