
5 riders from Calgary looking for a sesh

Jonathan douglas posted,

Me, otang rider jonathan douglas and 4 of my friends (as
many as 7 of my friends actually) are coming to Vancouver
for a 5 day skate trip. Our go-to guy jeff spicoli
randomski is broken, we are wondering If anyone would
like to recommend some spots, show us around or just
have a big session!

we arrive on the 16th of feb and leave in the afternoon on
the 21st

We are mostly into freeriding and stuff but we are up for
anything really. text me up, or reply to this and we will
get something going! #403 923 2871



2011 February 14 10:28 AM

english replied,

i don't work on wednesday and I was thinking about a wet sesh!

wednesday wet sesh?

you guys have a car?

2011 February 14 12:13 PM

Mark replied,

Ill teach you a lesson about skating gnar.

403 614 4565

2011 February 15 4:59 AM