
Omen Carbon Matrix- Any Ideas?

max skillen posted,

Found a couple for sale on switchback. Theyre more
expensive than a malaysian Mail order bride but they look
pretty choice. Yes or No? If no then leave recommendation
for replacement board, cuz my nemesis broke ;(

2011 March 6 9:50 PM



2011 March 6 10:01 PM


Kebbek Max Erwin ftw.

ride one before you make any decisions. That, or the
Jati Akira. Basically the same as a Nemesis, but 1) not
Rayne 2) Supporting smaller builders 3) bigger cutouts
4) nose/tails 5) WAY better concave

2011 March 6 10:15 PM


Stick to one fucking board.

2011 March 6 10:34 PM

k-skinz replied,

get it, its stronger than a nemisis and
has a rad fuckin foot pocket to lock that
shit in

2011 March 6 11:07 PM

traptor replied,

Get it. The matrix kicks ass and you won't regret it.
Light as a feather, strong as an ox, cuhraaazy concave.

2011 March 7 6:31 PM


Come on guys, the Omen is made of CARBON FIBER;
therefore it must be as good as a GODSPEED, right?

2011 March 8 3:30 PM