
Looking for an Evo deck for cheap/trade

TaylorJ posted,

I'm looking for an evo deck. Dosent have to look pretty, as long as it dosent have a ton of cracks and chunks missing.

I'd prefer to do a trade for something, but I can also throw down some cash, but I'm pretty fucking broke so the cheaper the better.

2011 March 21 2:42 PM


I have a 09 evo in 8/10 condition what are you

2011 March 23 12:13 AM

TaylorJ replied,

I have a fuckton of video games, dvd's,
and cd's. The only board I have for trade
is an 08 switch that I am somewhat partial
too, so not too sure if I want to part

I could send you a detailed list if you

2011 March 23 12:45 AM

tyler raffle replied,

i have one, 09. decent conditon, will you be at the swap meet? ill let it go cheap, trade for wheels, weed, cash i dont care im not using it anymore. email or post here so i know to bring it

2011 March 23 2:15 AM