
Is bamboo totem any good?

Mike posted,

My bro had a bamboo dropcarve stolen and I wanna
buy him a decent board but don't have much to spend
he absolutely loved his dropcarve and I can't find any
used, but I found a bamboo totem for a good deal.
Would it be similar at all? I don't ride so any comments
or advice would be great.
Thanks in advance

2011 April 7 11:52 PM

Logan replied,

i have a totem and its sick. i moved the back trucks back by a truck length and trimmed the nose and tail, but its so versatile, just enough flex to let you feather the tail through corners, great concave, might need to cut some wheelwells for gangster lean, but try it with crails as a speedboard.

ask alege he's been ripping on it for a while and raced it a few times.

2011 April 8 12:39 AM