
Monster Hawgs and Big Zigs FS

CH posted,

Hey guys I have the following wheel sets to

Blue Monster Hawgs (last years model):
condition: 9.5/10 (no coning, flat spotting,
still have graphic)
duro/size: 78a, 76mm
Price: $30

Yellow (Lemon) Retro Big Zig:
condition: 8.5/10 (no coning, flatspotting)
duro/size: 83a, 75mm
price: $25

both sets of wheels are RAD for downhill

I live by UBC and don't own a car so I could
meet you near campus.

phone 60(four)-3(one)7-52(zero)4 texting

2011 April 12 3:06 PM

CH replied,


2011 April 12 6:58 PM