

daniel posted,

wow after reading strikers interview with the
boo I didn't know the history of what happened
between him and...well just read the interview.
Did not see that coming

2011 April 12 7:04 PM


What interview?

2011 April 12 7:18 PM

Jeremy replied,

Whether I know whole the story or not,
the thing that is most fucked about this
is that strike put this up on the
internet for all to see. If you can't
work out your differences, don't be baby
and throw drama queen bullshit like
"backstabber" all over the place to try
and smear someone's name.

2011 April 13 12:44 AM


This is what money does to people! I miss
the days when everyone was just out to
skate and have fun, when putting on a race
was just a way to bring people together
and no one really cared who one or how
much money was involved. I wish
longboarding had never become popular...

2011 April 13 3:04 PM


Coming from some of the ppl who are most admired and respected in the longboard scene this is seriosuly apaulling. So many little groms have their eyes on you guys as role models and you re all setting a pretty bad example. Coast is a big family and for some of us this is all we have. A lot of us have dealt wth enough drama and bullshit in our lives guys. If you want to create drama in your life thats your own choice but leave the people out of it who need downhill skateboarding to be positive.

Striker you have a right to be pissed and Im sure your feelings are valid but dude.... you have a kid now. I think you need to ask yourself if this is how you would like to see her deal with her problems in the future. Keep it behind the scenes boys...

If my child were part of coast this is the LAST thread I would want them to see. The man who is the face of longboarding, there idol... acting like a complete child. Be the bigger man here dude.

And besides after what happened to Glenna last summer.... wishing any skater to get hit by a car is weak. Really weak.

2011 April 13 7:13 PM

Katie replied,

Fuck Wes you got the best food!!!!

2011 April 13 8:02 PM



WRONG! Spiderman did not say that, his
uncle Ben did

2011 April 13 8:19 PM