
Electric flys 107

BClonghair posted,

I was wondering if anyone has tried the 107 flywheels... I am still hooked on my 101 Flys, (if anyone has any 101's for sale let me know) but I am curious since there is so few posts anywhere about these! I would like to find out if they are standard 8mm or 10mm bearing size. What have you heard and what are your thoughts on these MONSTERS? Anyone into getting together to have a few sets shipped up to Van? Hey it would be like having a "Hummer" under your feet... might be dangerous to a lousy axle to slide but awesome to cruise!

2011 May 2 2:29 AM

BClonghair replied,

Sorry "Blankman" you are going to have to grab your cum-sock and go elsewhere to play with yourself! Some of us have girls and longboards to give us the thrills we need, We love and ride the same! We have a passion for what we do...
Ride hard and live free, Satisfaction guaranteed! Cheers to all

2011 May 2 4:57 AM

Modal soul replied,

I have a set of the pink 77a electric flywheels. I have them on a rollsrolls sportster which is unlike any other board out there. Its really hard to make a direct comparison becasue I have only ever had them on this single board. they are much wider than the 101 fly's and they also have smaller core. This means there is a ton more urethane making them insanely heavy. My nickname for this deck is the cat killer. Last time I was at the landyachtz seconds store they had a set of the 80a electric flywheels set up on an evo.

2011 May 2 5:03 AM