
Skylands Downhill Complaints

Blake posted,

Hello Everyone,

Please Do Not skate Skylands!!!!

For those people coming through Kelowna. I have been having several complaints from Residents of Wilden Skylands and The Developer. Both groups can shut the event down if they choose. I need their support.

Please Stay off the course. I have a great deal of time and money invested in this event this year. Its a great Event!! Please lets keep it alive.

Skate Knox Mountain or June Springs Rd.

Two years ago i made an agreement with the Developers of Skylands. For them to support a legal, sanctioned, insured event. And in exchange Myself and friends would not skate there anymore. So STAY OFF THE COURSE!

The Development has 24 hour security with the Commissionaires and Video cameras on street posts.

Please respect the Event!!

2011 May 7 10:04 PM


this is my most anticipated race of the year and i really hope that people don't ruin it. I rode it last year after the race and it is the gratest place ive skated. i hope people will respect this like they do the vernon dh course.

2011 May 8 12:45 AM


Roads are ment to skate, we are canada, we are
the free! Give me a ticket and ill pay for some
runs! Don't act so suprised when our scene is too
large to tell people not to ride a location!! Skate
safe and skate smart is all you can enforce!

2011 May 8 6:52 PM



2011 May 9 11:38 AM


not everyone can afford to pay money to
ride a hill. the nature of our sport is
underground and rebellious "Bombing your
local hills, Outrunning your local
cops!" thats what its all about. get
used to it. if the people on the hill
have a problem tell them to call the
cops, its not your job to keep every
longboarder in check. and if you told
them you would make sure no one skated
it outside the race, maybe you shouldnt
make promises you cant keep.

2011 May 12 9:07 PM

Wolfin replied,

The road isn't owned by the City of Kelowna, it's owned by the guy who gets the final say whether an event happens or not.

Therefore, if you skate it and neighbours complain, you ruin it for everyone else.

Enjoy the guilt!

2011 May 16 11:10 PM