
Another Complaint From Skyline

Ingrimus posted,

This is actually my uncle =S
I read the article and almost shat my pants when I read his name.

I agree we gotta keep the skyline and highlands and such on the DL, tho it's a bit hard to find such nice places to skate.

Keep it to non-busy times, don't BOMB, stop for stop signs (or use spotters) and if that jackass in the BMW really wants by as he talks on his cell phone? pull off your glove, give him the bird and let him pass; not worth your time or the negative attention it brings to the sport.

Already sent a letter in to the editor, let's see if it gets published ;D

2011 May 11 10:39 PM


People gotta respect locals. If people showed up to my hills and went on the hills that were meant for LOCALS ONLY like private properties I'd be piiissseeed

2011 May 11 10:44 PM


tell your uncle to stop invoking God and
those heathen liberals in his shitty
article...yes, skateboarders need to be
aware, but your uncle sounds like one of
the most ignorant people from a throwback
era of Pleasantville. im surprised he
didnt start talking about taxes while he
was insulting the skateboarding youth

2011 May 11 11:59 PM

serial5 replied,

It's sad to see (on Facebook) that the three groms are
proud about their making it into the news.
Longboarding isn't sustainable if riders have the
attitude that it's okay to piss of local residents.

2011 May 12 12:04 AM

ian replied,

We actually should get the residents on
our side by making them aware of OUR
safety precautions.. most of them just
dont know what we our capable of doing to
slow down safely. Because when free riding
down, it must look pretty out of control,
so i dont blame them for being concerned..

2011 May 12 12:40 AM

Tyler replied,

ian, your wrong SOME of us are capable of ridding the hills of the north shore safely and in control but not every rider who does so is capable of this. When residents see riders laying down fast controlled slides and the riders are polite and don't hold up traffic im sure most of them don't have much of a problem with it. It's the next wave of groms that are way out of their leauge and doing super scetchy pendys all over the road, falling everywhere and just making a big safety hazard

2011 May 12 12:57 AM


Well then teach them. I think that there
has been a bit of a disconnect between
groms and professionals. Why can't there
be another school of riding kind of thing
that could help teach these "stupid groms"
not to sketchily pendy all over the place

2011 May 12 1:08 AM

ian replied,

no i agree its controlled. but just go
into there shoes.. if i were them. maybe
someone late 50s never seen kids slide
and go fast.. i would think its out of
control. like when i first saw someone
slide i thought they were crazy.. thats
just my opinion of course.. and also
sometimes people fall. it happens to the
best.. if ppl see longboarders fall they
might be worried that there not in
control. for instance in that bps video,
im not sure who it is but at camalot he
cut off happens to pros.. at
that moment the lady in the car must
have thought badly of longboarders and
thought they were crazy skater punks

2011 May 12 1:22 AM

ian replied,

and yes also i guess begginers shouldnt go
to bps if its out of there skill level.
and i agree some groms have to smarten up
about safety. and yah school of riding
should do that again that would defs

2011 May 12 1:29 AM

ian replied,

yah lol... thats my bad ill admit it..
shit happens. i wasnt acting stupid
though. it just kinda happened..

2011 May 12 1:38 AM

ian replied,

yah lol... thats my bad ill admit it..
shit happens. i wasnt acting stupid
though. it just kinda happened..

2011 May 12 1:38 AM


^See that is some good vibes!!! WHO`S DOWN

2011 May 12 2:09 AM

x-art replied,

who's down for a skyline sesh sunday?

2011 May 12 2:32 AM


what happened to skateboarding being
about freedom and rebellion? now
everyones crying cause some douchebags
are complaining about us riding in their
hoods. FUCK EM! go skate where you want
when you want, and if cops show up dodge
those fuckers or deal with the
repercussions. theres not much they can
do anyway, other than give you a ticket
of some kind, but if you contest it it
will almost always be overturned. JUST
SHIT!!! (however this doesnt mean you
cant still be safe, wear pads and a
helmet, that way if the cops do show
they will see you are taking safety
precautions and will be more likely to
leave you alone.)

2011 May 12 9:17 PM


i love how the coast motto is bombin yer
local hills runnin yer local cops

2011 May 15 11:58 AM