
Danger bay lost and found

Denver posted,

Lost: black jacket, left it in announcers booth after the
race. If you have it, post it up here. Reward is a case of
beer of you choice!

Let me know


2011 May 23 11:56 AM

Bloodgoat replied,

Found: Cell Phone with sector 9 sticker on back

2011 May 23 1:51 PM

stefan replied,

Missing a Chopped Kebbek revenger with
Caliber trucks, 4prez and a stickered up
bottom. I threw it in the bush near my
campsite for "safe keeping" and by morning
it was gone. Sorta really lame. If anyone
knows anything about this, please help me
out. Someone wants to kill me because of

2011 May 23 4:57 PM

switchbacklongboards replied,

Lost a set of keys with a red carabineer
at the race. Please email if found.


2011 May 24 5:08 PM

BLANKMAN replied,

At Danger Bay I lost my virginity and found my homosexuality.

2011 May 25 5:39 PM

Jack in Chilliwack replied,

Found a set of Mini's at the top of the race course amongst the Abby's stuff, thought they were my buddies but nobody claimed them. Not sure when I'll be out to anything soon??

2011 May 29 4:30 PM

2step replied,

forgot to mention found a brainbucket that is completly painted in coloured blocks like rubix cube stlye hit me up if its yours

2011 June 9 4:00 AM