
LEATHERS FS for Average size dude

Cam posted,

Selling a set of leathers for someone around
5'9" give or take a few inches and around
160lbs. Only problem is the hole on the left
upper/outer thigh. Ive patched it with duct
tape but you could sew it because its just a
popped seam and could easily be repaired.

Asking $75 for em. Let me know if you want so
see some pictures and ill send them out.

2011 July 19 6:08 AM

Alex replied,

Hey can Yuo send some pics? Cuz id be really interested if they were in the right condition.

2011 July 19 1:17 PM

pittsonly replied,

hey man shoot me some pics, im very interested

2011 July 19 2:50 PM

TJ replied,

Can you text pictures to 206701 4one82
please? Super interested, thanks.

2011 July 20 1:13 PM

Cam replied,

Willing to sell them for $60, in a tight spot and
need some extra cash.

2011 July 25 11:09 PM

brad replied,

heyyy! can u send me a few pics very

2011 July 26 5:41 AM

marcus replied,

hey man, send some pics my way, super interested here

2011 July 26 8:00 PM