
Fly guy

GASH posted,

So you wish you could be a fly guy, yeah? Well good news,

you can!
With the approach of 2012, a galactic convergence approaches, where the energies of the galaxy pulse through us to activate the hidden capabilities DNA holds for us,converting us into more advanced species. This hasn't been exactly advertised by those mainstream media moguls. If you wonder what the future holds, and are afraid of it, don't be. But do wonder. That is a key, never stop exploring.

Prepare yourself for the future by exploring. exploring parts of yourself you have shied away from, explore yourself beyond the fear you hold towards the everyday. Be fearless and full of love. Becoming malleable. Become fluid, like water, so you can flow seamlessly over what some may believe to be a rocky future. There will be drastic DNA changes come 2012, and all you have to do to be a part of them is realise yourself as a spiritually capable creature, attuned to the crazy, eccentric realms of existence, know that you are the same as the next guy, and love. love completely, love anything that happens to you and take it into a part of yourself as it is a part of your experience, your existnce. Let yourself live every experience as it becomes a part of your existence, and open your mind. Open it to everything that is happening, and will happen to your body and spirit. If you notice yourself getting bored more easily, or if you feel better as a person, or find yourself experiencing things quicker, gaining more abilities, or feeling as if time is speeding up, it is simply because of a naturally occuring energy surge throughout the galaxy, which is opening up parts of us that before were only available to few select individuals who seemed "advanced" or more evolved, that they could telekinetically move things with their minds, or read them, or see into the future, or levitate. You are like them, but simply a little behind evolutionarily.

Thankfully, the joy of the internet is to release information that hasn't previously been unleashed to the world. So experience your truth, help yourself out by being your own best friend, love yourself for everything that has happened to you, for it has led you to this point, And it is all part of the seemingly magical flow of life in the universe, constantly changing and stirring history through thoughts, actions and desires of people. Be part of the action that helps roll people into a new stage of being, where levitation and instant healing are possible. Where telepathy and foresight are simple, everyday occurences. Be a part of the new movement of humanity.

Open your mind by beginning here:

and here:

Love you all,
Skate forever!!

2011 July 26 3:21 PM

Slydefolife replied,


YO you guys BETTER hear what this bro is saying, this shit is leGIT! CHURCH, man! love everyone, love yourself and that be the true way to success!! LETS DO IT FOLKS LETS EVOLVE!! MEDITATE!!! BOKAKASHA!!!

2011 July 26 3:49 PM