
Lost a KillSwitch around Edmonton?

Jack from the Wack posted,

So while I was enjoying my time with the girlfriend in Edmonton doing the whole mall thing I saw a chonky P.O.S with a Killswitch with a coast sticker on it. So I decided to follow this guy thinking it was kinda odd. So he went into a store where I confronted him telling him that was a sick deck, I was wearing my Danger Bay 10 hoodie at the time and asked him about coast. He said he had just gotten the board. Stolen. So I told him he was getting into a pretty sick sport and he said, "Actually I'm selling it", so double stolen. So I asked how much and he said 40 bucks... for the whole thing. So if you are missing a Killswitch and can give me specs on what was on it and stickers and such I saved your KillSwitch haha.

Only thing I ask is 40 bucks and shipping... sounds fair to me...???

If I don't get an answer for this in the next few days I'm giving it away or something...

2011 August 26 4:43 AM

Flatsanders replied,

i sent you an email.


2011 August 26 9:21 AM