

Mexifly posted,

The Maryhill Ratz/Five Mile Longboards 4 Man Boardercross at Cathlamet was a sight to behold, broken boards, heads, legs and, by some divine intervention, no spectators were killed. The course was horrible pavement, the banks were tight and the launch ramp was HUGE! Wait until you see the video...

The top seven finishers areā€¦
1st $250 - Patrick Switzer

2nd $125 - Will Royce (From Florida who came out and busted the biggest air to take home over $200!)

3rd $75 - Robin McGurik

4th $50 - James West Jr.

5th - Micah Green

6th - David Rutgers

7th - Eric Albee

Thanks to Judy Edmonson for putting on such a great weekend and the town of Cathlamet for allowing us to play on their streets.

2011 August 29 12:01 PM

Mexifly replied,

Here is the video of the final heat

2011 August 29 1:14 PM