
end it now.

alek beck posted,

i need to release.not many i can speak freely
to.not even sure this is the right spot. you
all hear the good of this trip. my mind is
always in another spot. lonelyness is killing
me. idk. maybe losing it more each day.
each day i think maybe i should just end it.
not speaking of the trip but end something
else not that you will hear me utter the
simply word. i've done good. i;ve rised
money..i;'ve seen so much cross canada. but
yet what reason is there after this is all
done. i am not looking for attention. im just
needing to get shit off my messed up mind.
before i mess up. im slowly giving up. im
sure certain ones of you will be delighted to
hear that,..well fuck you blankmans. before
anything i will finish the trip.. prove you
all wrong. and prove the others right for
putting faith in me.

idk what else to say..half thinking of
pressing backspace....

everthing happens for a reason....but my
reasons are gone.

2011 September 2 8:54 PM

Aloysius replied,

Straighten out and get grounded.
Stop being a primadonna. Make something to live for.

2011 September 3 3:38 AM


i hope you kill yourself and rot like the piece of
garbage you are.

2011 September 3 8:39 PM