
wtf Is this shit landyachtz?

blankboy posted,

So today i was just cruising on my 2 week old
bear hybrids , and bam the axle chunked off

2011 September 8 8:46 PM

Theobald replied,

hey man, call us at the shop tomorrow am we'll figure it out right away.


2011 September 8 8:53 PM


a) lots of stores are closed after 6
b) it happens to maybe 10 in 10,000...get your head
out of your ass

2011 September 8 11:01 PM


1) You're all mad 2) Still mad 3) You're also apart of
the special Olympics

2011 September 9 12:49 AM


bullshit? they probably move 10,000 trucks a week; i bet the number is even less

2011 September 9 2:22 PM alberta replied,

this is a public forum is it not? theres no law on here, strike took efforts to reduce spam, yes , but thats about it coast is and always has been a method to express ones thoughts concerns and sessions with each other, some good, some bad, some downright stupid. theres nothing wrong with calling out a company at all especially one that is one of the biggest global players in longboarding. , its not defamation, its expression of thier views, and personal opinions. Also, look who was one of the first to reply, this shows how much faith and concern they have with thier products and services they offer if not they wouldn't give a shit about anything else but the money in there pocket. Sorry for ranting but props for calling them out and props on landy for being a dedicated, responsible company,

2011 September 10 3:03 AM