
West Van bylaw

Tyler posted,

8.7 Boarding, Blading, Riding, Skating,
Skiing and Sleighing on a
8.7.1 No person may board, blade, ride,
skate, ski, sleigh or use any
other like means of conveyance on any highway
except on those
roadways designated for such use by the
Engineer and in such
cases, only in accordance with a traffic
control device.

Does this mean if we can get the engineer to
say we can skate on his road, that it would
be legal? I could be way off, but that's what
it sounds like to me...

2011 September 22 4:35 PM


lets find the engineer that designed the roads and ask him if he designed them with enough room for bicycles, pedestrians and vehicles? The answer is undoubtedly yes! Or could be argued in that direction?

have fun!

2011 September 22 4:53 PM