

Hoodie posted,

we are starting a magazine and are interested in your
submissions. written stories, art, comics, bits on history of
longboarding, lifestyle shots, gnar phots, wear your
helmet fucking ads, qoutes of the day, how to ideas,
dirtbag menus.

If you know of anyone interested in advertising please
send a request for more info to, or for submissions.

the mag will be uncensored, a bit of a fresh skate culture
for todays all round skater that enjoys a cruise on the
beach, pool session, park, pipe, and longboarding.

anything and all styles of art welcome, also featuring a
competition for a board. more details to come

challenge your mind to create something classy or trashy,
it doesn't matter!!

2011 September 29 10:55 PM

Chad the Nano Shredder replied,

Do you accept nanos?

2011 September 29 11:46 PM