
Looking for Okanagan riders...

Sam posted,

As the title says I am looking for riders from the okanagan, anywhere from Osoyoos to Vernon. I recently moved back to penticton from the coast and its hard to find people that are serious about downhill up here. Im available lots of the time and have a few other riders aswell that are down to skate. I would like to organize group skates and roadtrips around the okanagan and show off all of our secret skate spots. My phone number is 250-487-0484 text me, email me or just message me on here and lets get some gnar sesh's in before the winter comes.

2011 October 1 9:35 PM

Kamloops Matt replied,

Hey dude, we got a group of riders here in Kamloops who are serious about going fast, and we ride almost everyday. If your into coming this far, know that you got some guys who are always down to ride. We might even be heading to giants head in the next couple weeks.

2011 October 1 11:26 PM