
Board Suggestion


Bout to get all silverfish on your asses.

Alright im looking for a board and im
wondering if it exists. I figure you guys
have ridden everything under the sun.

I want a board that is as wide as the
switchblade. About the same height as a 925
so i guess just drop through or use low
trucks. But im also hoping for a kick tail on
one side. Does such a thing exist? Even just
a wider 925 would be excellent.

2011 November 17 1:58 AM

english replied,

rayne longboards are wider

2011 November 17 2:09 AM

Nagger replied,

vendetta is like a 925 with kicks and alot

2011 November 17 2:15 AM

Just sayin. replied,

vendetta has pretty useless kicks.
Jus sayin.

2011 November 18 1:39 AM