
Message to northern vanvcouver groms.


Hello fellow coasties, many of the north van groms are acting like they are super fucking good and that everyone else suks and they are being cocky. heres a message to you. you get to fucking skate the best hills in bc when ever the fuck you want you whinny bitches and you still fucking suck. grow some balls you shitfaces. i live in t town and i am as good as you and most of you fuckers have being skateing for over 3 years now. so stfu. signed henry stewart pmw

2011 December 8 6:05 PM



2011 December 8 6:12 PM


Have you met every single rider in north van? I
live in north van an sure as hell have never
heard of Henry Stewart, if your gonna call
someone out you have to be specific, ask em to
race, dont generalize that every north van grom
sucks, I know a lot of young riders here who are
little chillers, who shred to the best of there
You will make lots of enemies talking the way
you are now, Iv never seen you at any events
Henry s, I hope I don't, we have no need for
people like you generalizing about where ppl are
from. ~~~ Roger

2011 December 8 9:13 PM