
Topmount a Dropmount

Ingrimus posted,

So I was sitting around bored waiting for my board ('06 demonseed) to dry from a nice shiny new coat of sealer and I thought "hey, I wonder what this thing's like topmounted"


It's a giant nemmy, but I like it way way more.

bear 1052s venom yellow shr elims (boardside) and green venom barrels (rs) with 72mm freerides.

I'm in heaven.

It turns it into what I want for when I'm just freeriding around, perfectly.

Lifts the platform and makes pushing (seem at least) easier

Gives me that little extra grip on these wet roads that the double drop just doesn't want to stick to (sure it's also a rider thing whatever fuck you)

Carves like shweet and still rips slides like it was only an inch off the ground.

Damn I loved this board before, twas my downhill hero but now....dayum son.

Go top mount your dropmounts.

(seriously takes 5 min and is tonnes of fun.)

2011 December 20 6:07 PM

Ingrimus replied,

Oh and yea I know that everyone knows you can topmount a dropmount and this isn't some magical new idea.
But it's a fuck and a half better then the hate threads.

Top your drop or drop your top!
Spread it.

2011 December 20 6:17 PM