
freemen check this out

brian in chilliwack posted, anything like this in bc?

2012 February 7 3:14 AM

wes replied,

Not sure there but it's worth looking into. We
don't really see near as many people walking
away from mortgages like in the states.
Canadians are different that way. Also they did
state the mortgage company went under also he
filed legal paper work with the state. that fucking
cunt next door can fuck off. Sounds like those
fucking red neck crackers want the brother out of
there cause well he's black. Thats what I got out
of it any how. Thanks Brian got a bone to chew

2012 February 7 7:51 PM

off Axis replied,

nice post, thats insane!! haha way to out smart them!

2012 February 7 8:05 PM