
How to Stop Hate Threads

Dale posted,

I've noticed that Hate threads are starting
to surface again. To stop this, I think we
should just take a lesson from the Simpsons
Treehouse of Horror. When the advertisements
come alive and start killing people, the cure
was to ignore them and eventually they go

If you ignore the hate threads, and keep your
comments to yourself, they will eventually
filter to the bottom of the threads.

This will leave room for threads about
sessions, gear for sale, and events.
Everytime you drop the word "grom" in a
thread, some kid is going to get angry and
post up some hate.

Just help the cause and do something better
with your skateboarding.


PS-I bet this thread gets hated on. Chill Out
and be more productive with your time.

2012 February 29 7:31 PM

dang!jo replied,

more productive like spinning wool. cause i'm gonna make blankets, sweaters and mitts to barter with when we hit peak oil n no one can heat there homes no mo.

word up.

2012 February 29 11:27 PM