
stolen renegade

Berkun posted,

hey um i know this kid who got jumped by
these two kids and in the process of this his
renegade with surf rodz indeesz was jacked
from him if anybody sees a native kid or a
philipino kid with this board
it also had blue zombies on it and custom red
and white griptape aswell pretty rare setup
so if seen get it back and email me
if you live in north vancouver i can go
indepth about detail of the people i just
dont wanna openly talk about it

2012 March 9 9:01 PM

cApT nEm0 replied,

Kick the fucking thief in the cunt. He may have
deserved a beating, by two asshole makes me
wonder why it can't be one on one I don't know.
So any how does that mean he deserves to have
his shit jacked probably not. I always express
my overwhelming desire to kick fucking thieves
faces in. Remember all you youngers out there in
the world lying and fucking thieving come hand in
hand. There's no honor in that, be the better
man. Hope it works out.

2012 March 10 12:33 AM