
Jumbo Wild!

dang!jo posted,

if any of you vancouver kids wanna storm this building:
OCCUPY Jumbo Glacier Resort
c/o Pheidias Project Management
1660-1188 West Georgia Street
Vancouver, British Columbia V6E 4A2
tel. 604.662.8833 | fax. 604.662.7958

it would be much appreciated on behalf of the betterment of our living world.

Jumbo Wild!

2012 March 22 1:03 PM

shnitz replied,

awe come on..... LOG JUMBO!!!! more flatlanders there means less here!!!!! heh heh

hey dangjo, wasnt "Lake Louise" something else yesterday???? fuk me...... had my car shoveled out at 2am night before, almost slept with my skigear on!!! ha ha ha! wow. and did you notice how well the line ups worked????????????? my god!!!!! big line ups with all locals trying to shred 2 runs before work.... VERY EFFICIENT!!!!!........... III even got budded in front of once !!!! learned a new trick ;) heh heh...!! damn powder weekdays... fukingLOVEM!!!.


2012 March 22 3:18 PM