

striker posted,

From Greg Cromarty
Hers to you the Longboarders of Chilliwack, a great show of respect and your true colors!!!! Cheers for your actions on Little Mountain and the honor for the people laying a loved one to rest!!!!!!!!!!
Around noon, Saturday, May 26, our family came to Chilliwack Mountain Cemetery to bury my mother-in-law. As the processional climbed the steep west drive, I saw a group of teens with long boards, standing with amazing patience and respect, waiting for our party to enter the cemetery grounds.

We laid my mother-in-law to rest, then proceeded down the equally steep east exit.

Suddenly my daughter exclaimed, “They’re taking their helmets off for us! Look at that! They took their helmets off!”

Sure enough, there stood another group of long boarders, helmets over their hearts. These simple expressions of respect totally blew us away! We were beside ourselves with surprise and gratefulness!

It is our deepest hope that this open letter of thanks finds our long boarders from last Saturday. Our family can’t begin to express what your unexpected acts of respect meant to us. Be rest assured, it’s something we’ll always remember with fondness and deep gratitude.
Thank you so very much

2012 June 6 3:07 AM