
who wants a dope s9 top mount? 10/10

shredblazed posted,

Well here is the deal i have a 10/10 condish
s9 bomb hills, fresh painted and graphic done
by local artist paolo b. this thing is
gnarly. stiff, so you can bomb, ive hit plus
60-70 you can freeride like crazy and also
great for commuting. im hoping for around 120
but im flexible and open for to trades for a
ly switchblade/mini or a switch 37. lemme
know what you have. ill be able to send pics
after the 14th. also have some big zigs 9/10
77a that james kelly used for one heat at
whistler lb fest last year. i wanna trade
them for some 70-72mm freeride wheels or $20.
well thanks for looking and lemme know what
you got.

2012 July 8 7:21 PM

shredblazed replied,

heres my email: deca909(at)gmail(dot)com

2012 July 8 7:33 PM